Child Safety Notice

Child Safety Notice

Children under the age of three years old (3 years)  should not play with small puzzle pieces, as they pose a choking hazard. It is recommended that you carefully supervise all other children playing with puzzles to ensure safety, regardless of age.  

Jigsaw puzzles should be kept under lock and key when adults are not present.  Small puzzle pieces can become lodged in the throat of young children and pets, therefore precautions should be taken to keep your puzzle out of reach.  It is recommended that adults always supervise children around jigsaw puzzles and to put puzzles in a place where they are inaccessible to children when not in use.

In the interest of ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for your children, please take note of the following guidelines regarding children and jigsaw puzzles:

  1. Age Recommendations:

    • Children under the age of 3 should not be given jigsaw puzzles due to small parts that may pose a choking hazard.
    • Ages 3 to 5: Supervise children closely while they engage with puzzles to prevent accidental ingestion of pieces.
    • Ages 6 and above: Children in this age group can typically handle puzzles independently but may still require occasional supervision.
  2. Small Parts Warning:

    • Jigsaw puzzles often contain small pieces. Ensure that children do not put puzzle pieces in their mouths, as this can pose a choking hazard.
    • Store puzzle pieces out of reach of younger children when not in use.
  3. Clean and Safe Environment:

    • Provide a clean and clutter-free area for children to work on puzzles.
    • Ensure that the puzzle surface is stable and flat to prevent accidents.
  4. Use Age-Appropriate Puzzles:

    • Choose puzzles with larger pieces for younger children to reduce the risk of choking.
    • Select puzzles with age-appropriate themes and difficulty levels to keep children engaged without frustration.
  5. Supervision and Assistance:

    • Supervise young children closely while they play with puzzles to ensure their safety.
    • Offer assistance and guidance as needed, especially with younger children or those new to puzzles.
  6. Safe Storage:

    • Store completed puzzles and loose pieces in a secure location out of reach of younger siblings or pets.
    • Consider using puzzle storage containers or bags to keep pieces organized and prevent loss.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable puzzling experience for your children.