The Missing Piece Puzzle Company on the Today Show for "Best Creative Personalized Photo Gifts"

The Missing Piece on Today Show for Best Personalized Gifts

The Missing Piece Puzzle Company was honored to be contacted by the producers of the TODAY SHOW and invited to submit products for a segment on "Best Creative Personalized Photo Gifts" featuring Robyn Moreno, Hoda, and Kathie Lee. The invitation came after one of the show's staff members purchased a puzzle and was thoroughly impressed by its high quality and exceptional craftsmanship.

The Missing Piece Puzzle Company on the TODAY SHOW

Several of our puzzles were showcased in the segment featuring Hoda, along with the staff of the TODAY Show. Our beautifully crafted personalized puzzles were displayed alongside other unique products, and the segment led to an ongoing relationship with the TODAY Show. We are incredibly honored to have been selected for this feature!

Following the show, we were contacted by Hoda's personal assistant and had the pleasure of creating several gifts that Hoda gave to her friends and family. It was truly a wonderful experience that we will never forget.

This led to another feature for Mother's Day years later!

Watch it HERE.   (Our segment starts at 1:58)

